Feelin‘ Low Low Low Low

Feelin‘ Low Low Low Low

I hit a pretty hard low point in my life last week. I know all of you want to believe that those of us who are in the interest of spreading the good word about self-care and mental health are somehow above the every day trials of life but we are not!

All of us suffer, and all of us have our bad days.

I had a bad streak of days that left me feeling completely lost, unfilled, uncertain, and hopeless.

I will admit that I allowed myself to indulge in some of those notions. I am human, just like you, and sometimes we do these things.

I can never pass judgment on anyone else delving into their pains and suffering because I too feel the pain of life.

However, while I knew exactly what I was doing to myself in the moment I did not enjoy it nor did it do me any good.

What all of this self-indulgent suffering did do is serve as a reminder that I am still on my healing path. That despite what is happening around us we are truly in control of how we feel.

I knew I had to hold vigilant.

I struggled with wanting to give up and feel sorry for myself but I also recognized the strength and life I still have inside me.

The pain and suffering I felt was entirely from within me and I knew it.

This simple act of self-realization allowed me the gift of seeking better and more for myself.

We have to keep going!

Through this recent episode I have resolved to learn more about myself and about my inner pains that drive these circumstances in which I feel a victim.

I need to heal my wounds.

None of us are victims, if we don’t allow ourselves to be a victim in our minds.

We all have pain. I intend to define mine and let it go.

We all need to release what’s hurting us inside.

I know that healing of the mind, body, and soul are all related.

It’s time to focus on ourselves. No matter how much we think we can’t or shouldn’t.

We all deserve the pleasure of knowing ourselves and being the beautiful power and love that we all have within us.

I am just like you, and I am here with you, and we will work it out, all of us, individually but together.

Photo by Sydney Sims https://unsplash.com/@fairytailphotography/portfolio

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