The Need For Unstructured Play Time – For Adults

The Need For Unstructured Play Time – For Adults

Wake up, work out, breakfast, shower, get ready, rush to work, scramble through the morning, rush through lunch, tackle the afternoon, survive endless meetings, rush home, rush to errands, make dinner, jump into the evening routines, get to bed on time, fall to sleep exhausted.

Sound familiar?

How about weekends? Get up, do all the morning stuff, do chores, run errands, get ready for that event, go to that event, maybe go to another event or obligation, go home, try to recover and do self-care, turn in, fall asleep exhausted.

Hey, did you forget to call your mom?

Modern life is way too structured these days. Even our “fun times” have RSVP invitations, arrival times and other various expectations.

Why is everything we do so scheduled and filled with obligations?

It’s no fun to me. I need down time. I mean real down time.

Adult events and play dates can be as bad as kid events and play dates. Everyone has to be on a structured time schedule, wear certain clothes and have structured experiences.

How is this even fun?

Quite frankly we are exhausting ourselves trying to do and be everything we think we should.

We need rest. We need free time. We need freedom.

Our bodies need it as much as our minds. Our souls crave it!

Just look at the natural, beautiful world outside. Nature is not rushing anywhere to do anything for anyone. It just is.

We should learn from that!

Do this right now. Say no.

Say no to things you would rather not do. Say no to things you really don’t want to do.

Say no to expectation, even if it’s your own.

Free your mind by freeing your time.

It’s okay to enjoy your life in a simple and pleasurable way. That’s not selfish.

Selfish is expecting people to go out of their way to be and do for you. So if someone is upset that you want to skip an event, so be it.

Maybe they need a time out too.

Go play in the way that feeds you. Allow yourself the deserved moments of quiet or spontaneous engagement. That’s where the magic happens.

Get lost in the moment.

It’s waiting for you.

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