Change Your Drawers To Clean Up Your Act

Change Your Drawers To Clean Up Your Act

This isn’t a lecture about your underpants, trust me. That’s between you and, well, you.

Instead, I have something to share with you that is seemingly minor but has made a HUGE difference to me and I am so excited to tell you about it.

I changed my drawers!

Nope, not underpants, but clothing drawers. And to be clear I didn’t change the actual drawers, just the things inside them.

What is this all about?

Over the past year I have been dragging my heels on getting back into cycling, an activity I enjoyed with great enthusiasm for a long time. Cycling gave me a fit body while providing me an endless variety of gorgeous outdoor venues to enjoy with my friends and also some much-needed time alone.

Cycling was my perfect sport.

My interest in just about everything immediately evaporated when the self pity and lethargy of emotional suffering kicked in after an unfortunate personal experience.

I had hit a rough patch in life and everything that involved a challenge felt like a chore.

I knew I should ride but I had lost all motivation.

I would grumble and grouse over getting ready because it required that I dig through the decorative bins I was using to store my cycling gear. What’s worse is that these heavy bins were stored high on a shelf, so they weren’t easily accessible.

Everything seemed out of reach and like too much trouble.

As the queen of “any excuse to not exercise will do“, I let the inconvenience of accessing my gear be the only excuse I needed to not even try to go on a ride.

After making this excuse far too many times, I finally owned up to needing to address this massive psychological barrier that was keeping me from doing something I love.

It dawned on me that I just needed to ease the process of getting ready.

When I looked around, I realized that I had three easily-accessible drawers filled with articles of costume clothing, which I rarely wear.

Within minutes I had swapped out the cycling clothes with the costuming and I realized I was in business!

I also took my cycling helmet, pump, glasses and other gear and put them in another easily-accessible place near my front door. No more hunting and running around.

I made it so that everything is right at my fingertips.

So now I have no excuse.

If you are are wondering how you too can clean up your act, look around.

Maybe you need to change your drawers.

Photo by Merylove Crafts on Unsplash

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