Welcome to Healing

My Protocol

Everyone suffering with any kind of problem or discomfort wants to know what everyone else is doing that’s working for them. I get that. I have done the same searching myself, and here is what I found –

We are all going to have different paths and protocols on our path to wellness. No two bodies, minds, or souls are alike.

Each of us have different concerns, objectives, sensitivities, and spiritual dispositions. Each of us have also have different ways we want and need to stay accountable to ourselves.

There are no Miracle Cures and there are no Perfect Self-Help Protocols.

But there are some things that you can work on.

(This is NOT a prescription for dealing with Candida or autoimmune disorders. It is simply what I do to keep my body healthy and balanced.)

  1. First, have faith in healing.
  2. Release the emotional baggage that could be contributing to your discomfort and keeping your from healing.
  3. Cut down on processed carbs. Significantly.
  4. Eat a clean and healthy diet that is rich in vegetables, fiber and probiotics to balance your gut microbiome.
  5. Drink plain, clean water as your primary beverage.
  6. Make time for personal calming such as Qigong and meditation. These are fundamental to my healing and they have profoundly changed my life.
  7. When I fall off the wagon and ultimately feel gastrointestinal discomfort from my gut being out of balance, for immediate relief I drink a mix of diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay and psyllium. I profiled this condition in my blog post. But this must be followed up with the above protocols.
  8. Increased estrogen, such as just before a menstrual cycle, can trigger Candida growth/overgrowth. This is why using suppositories like boric acid or Vitanica’s Yeast Arrest for several days before your cycle is key to stopping the pre-menstrual yeast infections that are common in women with Candida overgrowth.
  9. Backstop this approach, literally, by using the CandiRoqSAN suppositories for those same days when the potential for Candida overgrowth is most acute.
  10. Make your health and wellness a priority, make time for yourself. Everyone else will survive while you make self-care a priority. Trust me.

I don’t believe that supplement popping of any kind is the answer to good health. I am not intentionally promoting any specific products or protocols. Figure out the brands and formulas that work best for you.

*This website is not medical, psychological or any other type of advice. This website is simply the story of my journey told by sharing my thoughts, opinions, and experiences on issues related to health and wellness. If you are experiencing physical or mental discomfort please consult with a medical professional.

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