Choose Love

Choose Love

I am in the midst of a huge personal crisis.

This one is not about a struggle with my physical health.

This is heartbreak.

This has been one of the most challenging times of my life from the perspective of my emotional well-being.

It has been an incredible challenge to deal with a significant personal loss that I have not taken lightly.

My heart feels completely crushed and obliterated.

But this moment of pain, hurt, and sadness has also been a significant opportunity for insight and compassion.

While my fighting instincts want me to go full throttle into battle and to fight like a warrior of no comparison, my heart wants peace and kindness to prevail.

So in an act of love and forgiveness to myself and those involved I have made a decision of personal power to let love prevail.

While this does not mean a return to what I knew, this does mean I have the choice to forge a path into the unknown.

This act liberates me from the past and allows me to be in the present and to thoughtfully consider my future.

I accept the challenge of redefining relationships and I am committed to creating a new way of relating love and care to myself and others.

The heart is the center of our well-being so to deny the heart wellness and healing is to deny your entire being of the same.

It is impossible to heal in crisis and turmoil.

Sometimes it is better to lay down the swords and open up our arms and to embrace our inner demons.

If you’re finding yourself in a situation where you feel frustrated, angry, betrayed, hurt and confused just remember that you have options in front of you.

Sometimes that option can be love through forgiveness.

Let love prevail.

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