Circular Thinking Takes You Nowhere

Circular Thinking Takes You Nowhere

Excuses pave a circular path that only serves to keep you trapped. You are the only one waiting to live your own life.

Don’t let yourself get caught up on a runaway train of limiting thoughts and beliefs.

Pick one part of your life where you have some vision and strength and just focus on that part of your life for a while.

If you feel like you don’t know which part to work on first I suggest cleaning up your diet.

What you put in your mouth is immediately controllable and completely your choice.

Just do it. Just make a change right now, today. Stick to your program for a week and see how that works for you.

Unsure of what to eat? See my resource on self care and clean eating.

Once you begin to eat well you will feel better. Keep the momentum going by building on your new diet and see how your health improves.

Once your health improves so will your outlook on life, resulting in a better personal life.

When you’re healthy and happy you are naturally more attractive and will feel more inspired to meet people and make new friends.

No more excuses. Step out of the circular mindset.

You are not a failure. You’ve got this!

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