Fear Is Bait On A Very Big Hook

Fear Is Bait On A Very Big Hook

I’m laying on my couch avoiding reality.

I let fear hook me in.

What if I fail again?

What am I doing?

Why should I even care to bother?

The fear was too good to pass up.

I let myself take the bait.

Fear is comfortable in its discomfort.

I feel half way between despair and empowerment.

Where is the passion I need to keep pushing?

I know it’s there. It’s just hiding timidly in the corner. Waiting for the fear to leave.

But why wait when I know I can push fear aside?

Because destructive self-talk is so powerful. It’s almost intoxicating.

Fear is a known enemy. One I have faced often enough that I have developed a perverse fondness for its familiarity.

But it’s not me.

I am not defeat.

I am not fear.

I refuse to live in fear.

Move aside my enemy, you’re in love’s way.

I have bigger fish to fry.

Image by: https://unsplash.com/@mael_bld

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