Gaining by Letting Go

Gaining by Letting Go

I woke up one morning, recently, and realized that there were many aspects of my life that I no longer cared about.

While that may sound negative, the result was quite positive.

It wasn’t so much a lack of caring, rather it was more of a realization that certain parts of my life were no longer relevant or deserved my priority attention.

What happened?

I changed.

As we go through life we choose what brings value to us and what we want to commit our time and efforts to.

That unexpected morning epiphany brought me a great deal of relief and joy.

I let myself let go of a former version of my self.

We all have activities, people, ideas, and goals that we focus on throughout life.

Things that we prioritize.

The evolution of self requires that we shift and change as we experience life and grow.

Whether you shift gradually into and out of your priorities or whether those shifts happens quickly, it doesn’t matter.

However you find yourself changing over time, honor it.

It’s okay to let go of old parts of your self or things in your life that used to be a priority.

Old habits.

Old goals.

Old beliefs.

Old activities.

Old friends.

Old you.

If you hold on to things that no longer serve you, you won’t have the focus and energy for what does.

Holding on to what no longer serves you invites anxiety, burnout, and exhaustion.

It can and will make you sick.

Make your emotional, physical, and financial health and happiness your highest priority.

When you choose yourself as your priority, you can’t go wrong.

To sum it up, you gain when you let go.

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