Get Your Head In The Clouds

Get Your Head In The Clouds

The phrase ‘Get your head out of the clouds’ is a common call to stop daydreaming and come back to reality.

It’s a call to be ‘present’.

But whoever first said it couldn’t have gotten it more wrong.

When I struggle to calm my mind and be truly present, nothing helps me more than getting my head into the clouds.

Try it now.

Just look up and gaze at the ever-changing swirl of molecules in the sky.

Notice how things shift.

Both in the sky and in your body.

Feel how you relax.

Notice how your imagination takes over.

Cloud gazing stops racing thoughts and allows the mind and body to effortlessly experience meditative awareness.

You become aware of every second of time as the clouds change and pass in front of you.

You are truly living in the moment.

This is what being ‘present’ is all about.

Your body and mind need the break from thinking.

‘Trying’ to meditate can sometimes be frustrating and feel defeating.

Want to be truly relaxed and present?

Get your head in the clouds.

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