Happy Summer Solstice – Please Enjoy The Season

Happy Summer Solstice – Please Enjoy The Season

Happy Summer Solstice my friends! There are so many ways to observe and celebrate the official beginning of summer. Donning crowns of flowers, splashing about in waterways, jumping over bonfires or simply observing how gorgeously long the daylight lasts.

As each season changes to the next, we are given a superb opportunity to pause and reflect upon our lives in the context of the passage of time.

I look forward to these moments, so early this morning I took a moment at 3:07 AM PST to welcome Summer. I went outside to look up in the sky and put a wish out to myself and the universe. I bid myself, my friends and my family an enjoyable summer and I expressed gratitude for the abundance that already surrounds us. These thoughts and sentiments made me feel grateful and joyful. I reveled in the moment.

Summer is about warmth and abundance. It’s about playfulness and enjoyment. It’s about connecting with friends and community. It’s also about connecting with the earth.

The best part is that today is Summer Solstice, the beginning of this magical season. Today is a celestial reminder for us make the time and space in our lives to enjoy life.

How thoughtful of the sun to remind us to make time for fun. And we humans sure do need that reminder!

Have you ever experienced what I call the ‘lost season phenomena’? This is that experience where you get so tied up and busy with everyday life that you accidentally overlook an entire season

Unfortunately for many of us it usually goes like this: I can’t believe it’s fall already. I never got around to going to/doing/trying _______ this summer!” 

What a bummer to miss an entire season. Talk about lost opportunity. Nobody deserves to lose an entire season. We all need to indulge in the beauty and offerings of each season, especially summer.

Nothing in life is more important than joy. Whatever will give you joy this summer is still within your reach. If you haven’t made plans or marked a few personal days onto your calendar, don’t despair! You still have time to find your joy and enjoy the season.

In fact, you have all summer!

Photo by Aleksandr Eremin on Unsplash

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