Fear Makes Us Farsighted

Fear Makes Us Farsighted

Where are you focused?

On an uncertain future?

Looking back at the past?

Obsessing over other people or things?

Looking around at the world is definitely confusing and somewhat scary.

Whenever fear creeps into our thoughts it changes how we see the world.

As the saying goes, where our thoughts go, our energy flows.

So when was the last time you took a really good look at yourself?

Most of us struggle to see ourselves without an outward facing eye.

Meaning that we often look at ourselves through a lens of comparison.

Comparison is founded in identifying lack or deficiency, often couched in the seemingly-positive “hope” for a better life.

When we do this we are actually looking at ourselves through fear.

It can be very challenging to see ourselves in a truly positive light.

What do you have that makes you feel happy and content?

Can you see it?

Take a closer look. It’s there.

Train your eyes to focus on what you have immediately before you.

Once you have a clear vision of that, keep focusing closer and closer until, ultimately, you focus inward.

Ah, there you are! In all your beautiful, wonderful and infinite potential.

Stay focused on yourself through the lens of love because it is all you will ever need to “see”.

Never lose sight of yourself.

Photo by Ansia Lasa on Unsplash

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