Thanking Out Loud

Thanking Out Loud

Blogging is all about putting personal thoughts out for public consumption.

However, more often than not I am writing to and for myself.

These are conversations I want to have and need to have, with myself.

They are reminders of the challenges I have faced and markers of my personal growth.

Pain and growth are part of the human condition.

Therefore, all of my blog posts are thoughts and conversations I also want to share with the world.

While every life is unique, we can all share in common themes and foundational experiences.

This is why I created a website instead of a private diary.

I love the magic of thoughts becoming pixels on a screen that get shot out into the ether.

It’s impossible to know where or how the words will land around the planet.

Blogging is the digital equivalent of being onstage at a microphone in a room with the lights off.

You don’t know if anyone is there, yet you still speak.

An audience is greatly appreciated but never guaranteed.

Empathy, understanding, support and acknowledgement are what I seek through blogging – not applause.

Writing for me is an exercise in trying to keep myself accountable to not only myself but also to mankind.

My heart desires to speak and connect with whole world.

I hope that my words let people know that they are not alone in the struggles of life.


Sending my sincerest gratitude to the 6,000 unique visitors from over 70 countries that have read my blog since January 2018.

If you are reading this, Thank You.

Photo by Claus Grünstäudl on Unsplash

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