The Devil is in The Details

The Devil is in The Details

The minutiae or specifics of a situation are usually what cause huge problems and headaches in life.

We have been cautioned our whole lives to pay close attention to details and to think things through in advance to avoid being tricked or trapped by an unexpected catch or complication.

In essence, we are all taught that controlling definitions and details can help control outcomes.

It’s true – detail control is a wise and recommended approach for things like transactions and legal contracts, or anything else that requires two or more humans or entities to perform or deliver in any capacity.

However, the exact opposite is true when you are creating goals and plans for yourself.

You create trouble when you create detailed expectations and requirements in your life.

Details create a finite universe of options and opportunities.

If you focus on a specific title, job, income amount, lifestyle, social group, status, etc., you may miss out on bigger opportunities that are better than what you thought you wanted.

When you limit your success to very specific visions, definitions, expectations, and outcomes you create a trap for yourself.

Details don’t let the magic of chance and opportunity pleasantly surprise you or grow your vision of yourself.

Details make you your own devil.

Let go of trying to control every detail of your life and you will feel the pressure and stress lift from your shoulders.

Don’t be so busy trying to get your dandelion to grow that you miss the field of sunflowers behind you.

Pic by Dan Sealey on Unsplash

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