Who is in Charge of Your Life?

Who is in Charge of Your Life?

Is it you or is it someone else?

Is your life dictated by free will or fate?

When things are going well we tend to claim victory and credit our immense personal capabilities and sovereignty.

When things go south we blame fate, or others, and shake our fist up at the stars and heavens.

So which one is it?

Is it free will or is it fate?

Both, of course.

Some things you can control.

And some things just happen.

In either case, you get to choose the life you want.

Yes, you really do.

First you get to choose how you respond to events in your life.

Then you get to choose what to do about it.

Making choices that are best for us can feel so difficult that we just want to give up and let fate take control.

You’ll never be the champion of your best life if you don’t make it happen for yourself.

Stop blaming fate or others for your health, finances, relationships, situation, or anything else.

Take all that energy and use it to make the changes you know you need to make.

You will have to confront your fears to move forward.

It will feel like both walking across a fire and walking on water.

At first it will be scary and painful, but ultimately it will be liberating.

You can’t just sit there and wait for things to change.

The deep work needs to start Now.

Take baby steps or big leaps.

You get to choose.

Just get moving.

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

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