You’ve Got This!

You’ve Got This!

You are coming out of a difficult time like a phoenix rising from the flames.

Life has handed you lessons that you never wanted to learn, but that you mastered despite your fears.

You are no longer the you that you just left behind.

There is something new and exciting afoot.

The path you are about to embark upon is that of becoming your highest and best self.

Give yourself permission to step into your future because deep down you know that you are not done.

In fact, if you are honest with yourself, you know that after everything you have been through you are unstoppable!

Why? Because you have done all that work to get where you are, and you can still feel the power of change still brewing within you.

Thank yourself.

Are you done with putting in the work? No, but you are done with the old you.

The new you still needs some defining and your powerful commitment to reaching your goals.

This is not the same type of journey that you just completed.

Before, you needed to let things go.

Now, it is time to let things grow.

Everything you want to make of yourself is within your reach.

Stay focused on yourself and all the positive inner strength and self-love that has kept you going.

You’ve got this!

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

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