Addicted to Coping

Addicted to Coping

We all have things we do far too much of, far too often.

These behaviors typically start off as a way to cope with an extreme situation.

What we convince ourselves of as a way of making ourselves feel better in the moment.

However, in most cases we never truly feel better.

We just use these behaviors to escape the raw thoughts, awkwardness, or tough emotions of our immediate reality.

For most of us “escaping” is the most common way of coping.

Once we get comfortable escaping, the coping behavior begins to creep deeper into our lives.

We use it more often.

We begin to escape for even the most minor reasons.

And then we escape for no reason at all.

That’s when escaping becomes a habit, ritual, or addiction.

This is when we know that we have let our traumas define us.

We each have to learn to break or manage our coping habits.

When you see your friends or family escaping try not to be mad.

Whatever is disappointing to you is even harder for the person doing it.

So many people are struggling with their coping habits. And they know it.

Look at yourself and see where you too are escaping.

Be present for each other.

Have empathy.

Show some love.

Everyone is addicted to coping in one way or another. May we all break these pain cycles and live better lives.

Big love to you all.

Pic by Simon Berger

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