Calling It What It Is

Calling It What It Is

I once believed that a partner was truly in need and I tried everything to help them out.

I gave it my all even when they gave nothing and quite frankly were very abusive in the process – verbally, financially, and definitely emotionally.

I was “sure” that they would come around and be a good human.

Nope. It just got worse over time, entirely at my expense.

Patience and care got twisted into obligation and duty.

Oppression kept me in fear.

Guilt and shame were the controls.

Then, in one incredibly abusive show of dominance, I finally woke up.

I realized that my entire view of the relationship was a projection of my own values.

What was in front of me was a complete lack of values whatsoever.

It’s okay to call a turd a turd.

Flush that shit out of your life.

The sooner the better.

Don’t wait in hope.

Let them figure their own life out.

You don’t owe anyone that much of yourself.

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