Destination Gratitude

Destination Gratitude

Summer of 1997, I lived in Waikiki Beach working as an environmental contractor for the US Air Force.

The flight path to Honolulu’s airport ran above the beach.

I would sit and contemplate those incredible winged metal tubes cruising through the sky.

People going home. People leaving home.

Some had the best time of their lives. Some the worst.

Some are leaving in vibrant elation, some deep relief, others in future hope, and even others with deep regret.

Just remember that each day is exactly that. A day. And you get to choose how you want to “see” your story.

No matter whether it’s a good day or a bad day, pick gratitude.

Everything is happening to you FOR you.

See that and you then own your power.

It’s yours to embrace or give away.

Every moment gives you the choice for self empowerment.

Embrace it❣️🙏

Thanks to Hanson Lu @hansonluu for making this photo available freely on Unsplash 🎁

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