Fear & Loathing in Your Body

Fear & Loathing in Your Body

Fear weakens our immune system.

The intensity of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline can cause a lot of damage in your body such as:

Cardiovascular issues,

High blood pressure,

Gastrointestinal distress including ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome,

Autoimmune disorders,

Decreased fertility, and

Premature ageing.


If you let yourself get consumed by your fears, the sustained levels of heightened negative emotions will inhibit your ability to heal and repair your body.

The inability to calm the body and let it heal leads to:



Adrenal fatigue including fatigue, body aches, unexplained weight loss, low blood pressure, lightheadedness, and loss of body hair,


Chronic pain,

Insulin resistance,

Overall exhaustion, and

General ill health.


Psychologically, there are also several conditions that can result.

Dissociation from self,

Detachment from sympathy, empathy, and other loving feelings,


Obsessive-compulsive thoughts,


Mood swings, and ultimately

Loathing such as anger and bitterness.


Fear leads to loathing.

Chronic illness will result when these conditions are sustained.

Take control of your thoughts and you will take control of your health.

Start today with this simple life-changing practice:

Make space for yourself and/or your friends and family in a room with no phones, TV, news, radio, or any sort of distractions.

Spend five to ten minutes thinking or talking about the things you are grateful for. (If you find this challenging just look around the room and think about objects in the room you are grateful for like a plant, chair, picture or a coffee maker.)

Finish with at least one slow breath in and out, at your comfort level.

Repeat daily.

May you find your peace and renewed health through a lifestyle of gratitude.

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

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