Smile On, Pass it On!

Smile On, Pass it On!

Life was at a very low point for me.

I was struggling with the many complications of Crohn’s Disease.

I was sick, exhausted, and living in incredible pain and discomfort.

One day, a stranger walking by me looked me in the eyes and smiled at me.

I scowled back, indignantly.

I was so caught up in the hellish world I was living in that I had become unhappy and bitter.

It was in that moment that I realized something very profound.

Happiness is a choice.

I wanted to run back and apologize.

They didn’t deserve my response.

From that day forward I have made a point of smiling at people.

All people.



The grouchy shop owner.

The homeless person.

The light rail driver.

The struggling parent.

The pouting child.

The random stranger.


To my delight most everyone smiles back.

It’s that little shift in energy that can change a person’s day.

Being seen and acknowledged positively is hard to come by.

We could all use a little more love in this world.

Your smile is a totally free gift to every person you come across.

It will likely start a chain reaction of exchanged smiles.

Kindness is contagious.

Even better, smiling is medically proven to improve physical and mental health.

Happiness is the best medicine.

Even with a mask on, you can smile with your eyes.

Everyone gets it.

No excuses.

Smile on!

Pass it on.

Photo by Connor Wilkins on Unsplash

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