Forcing Gratitude to Change Your Attitude

Forcing Gratitude to Change Your Attitude

I recently found myself lamenting all that I “do not have” in life.

I was doing a really good job of feeling sorry for myself.

I was running down an internal list of all the things I observe that others “have” that I don’t.

In the moment, I recognized exactly what I was doing so I forced myself to stop.

I then forced myself to turn my internal dialogue around and think about how good my life really is.

I found a tremendous sense of gratitude welling up inside my heart as I reflected on all the good aspects of my life.

It gave me peace.

It’s shocking how quickly we lose sight of ourselves and the good things in life.

We all go through ups and downs. This can happen daily, even hourly.

Nobody has it better in life.

Everyone just has a different life.

Try to remember all that is good, and vibrate on those thoughts and memories.

This is the easiest way to initiate and sustain self care.

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

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