Inconsolably Grateful

Inconsolably Grateful

I am sobbing inconsolably in this moment.

Not because I’m unhappy, rather because I am overwhelmed with happiness.

By putting myself out into the universe as someone who truly desires love and connection with my human tribe, I have been gifted with so many amazing and unexpected people coming forward.

Some of you I already knew and I never doubted that we love each other.

Thank you for you continued friendship and support!

Some of you are new to me. We may have just met but we know we already love each other. So much magic out there.

I am so excited and honored to know and share life with all of you!

There is so much beauty in connecting deeply with people.

I feel so grateful for putting myself out to the world vulnerably, and connecting with amazing human souls that feed the larger collective of the goodness of mankind.

So I just found myself sobbing uncontrollably out of absolute gratitude for knowing that I’m on the right path.

I want to let you know that the minute you let the universe know that you want more and better for yourself, and that you’re very freaking serious about it, you will begin to reap the rewards of friendship and kindness in places and people you would never expect.

Put yourself out there and love yourself enough to know that there’s more to your world than you would ever expect.

There are kindred souls waiting to align with you and help you on your journey.

Just know that you will be OK, and that you will thrive in mind, body and soul.

Because that is your journey. If you choose to accept it.

Be open to the unknown beauty of life.

Do it for you.

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