No Matter Where You Go, There People Are – The Humbling Beauty of Mankind

No Matter Where You Go, There People Are – The Humbling Beauty of Mankind

I’ve been around the block. I’ve been around several blocks. Local blocks. Not so local blocks. International blocks. The world has been available to me, as it is to you, and I’ve had a blast walking around and getting the lay of the land.

In my travels, near and far, I have encountered innumerable souls who have touched my life. From the most innocuous encounters to those that have memorialized themselves in my soul. I’ve experienced the whole gamut. And it never gets old.

More often than not, people impress me. With their job titles or wealth? Not at all. With their humanity, compassion, love, laughter and insights? Absolutely!

If I’m not walking I like using ride-share programs. I also use other consumer services and I go to stores. In these experiences I get exposure to people who I would otherwise not meet in my day-to-day life of colleagues, family and friends.

Without question, time after time, it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful people are.

How do I know how wonderful they are? I like to engage people. Ask them about themselves. Learn about them. Am I nosy? (Well, maybe a little). Otherwise, no, not really. Am I curious to know the makeup of my fellow travelers in this lifetime? Yes!

I get such great glee from meeting new people and learning what paths they’ve traveled, what makes them tick and who they are in this lifetime.

I like people. No, scratch that, I LOVE people!

I subscribe to the notion that there is not a “right way” to do life. And it’s true. There is no “right way”. There is only your way. (If only we knew this earlier in our lives wouldn’t we all be so much better for it)

The same feelings of connection and wonder with the larger planet and the people who live on it grace me beyond my home, and joins me on my trips and travels here and there. No matter where I go, there people are. And they are wonderful!

It seems like whether I’m at the local store, in a car with a driver, at an art festival, at a location in a faraway land, or even running errands around town, people are just plain wonderful. They really are.

Of course you get your jerks and hacks. You get to see the entitled and obnoxious ones, but the prevailing energy on our planet is that of commonality. A feeling that we all have something in common. That we all have something to share. Something that connects us, and the feeling is amazing!~

We are all cut from the same cloth. We are all the same people. We are all born from love and seeking the same things in life. Security, happiness, health and love. We are all also seeking connection, enjoyment, fulfillment and a greater sense of meaning.

In every corner of the planet humans are doing and feeling the same things that we are in our four walls, in our neighborhoods, in our jobs, in our families and in ourselves. There is no difference between us as humans.

We are all together on this wild ride of life. When the chance happens to meet a stranger I say go for it. You may meet a kindred soul sitting right next to you. One you’d never expect.

We all need to talk more, share more, connect more and love more.

Take chances my friends, you may be humbled by the unexpected beauty of your fellow-man.

Photo by Soroush Karimi on Unsplash

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