Gym, We Need to Break Up – It’s Not You It’s Me.

Gym, We Need to Break Up – It’s Not You It’s Me.

I quit my gym. Not just my gym, but all gyms. It has nothing to do with gyms. It has everything to do with me.

I started working out in my late 20’s. I realized that the eternal youth I had relied upon to keep up a lifestyle of bad habits was quickly slipping away. I joined and quit a few gyms before falling upon one that would keep me a member for years. For most of the last 17 years I enjoyed the luxury of a full service gym that offered innumerable options for maintaining my health and challenging my body.

Physical exercise and stretching has been such an important component of my physical upkeep. The gym kept me consistent and challenged. It also kept me grounded. Not only does a good work out give a body an outlet for pent-up energy, it gives the mind a chance to decompress. And I need both on a regular basis. So for me the gym was sacred refuge.

I did, however, have to take two small breaks from the gym. First when I was battling Crohn’s Disease in 2004. For a while there I was just too weak and sickly. When I gained strength I rejoined the gym. I saw that they offered a yoga class and I was drawn to it. I didn’t know a thing about yoga but I had a sense that it was something I needed to try. I am forever grateful for that decision.

It was the yoga class that changed my life and helped me refocus the energy in my body. It was the yoga class that taught me that I can relax and heal my body. Despite the fact that I no longer do yoga, it was that class that sent me on the path that I am still on today to manage my health.

The second time I quit the gym was in 2013, when a bout of sever psoriasis subjected my skin to deep irritation, especially from sweat. After discovering the Candida diet and resolving my skin issues I was anxious to get back on track. In fact I even wrote the following ode to my gym on the day I re-joined.

I knew I’d come running back to you some day. I just knew I couldn’t stay away. I couldn’t get you off my mind and I couldn’t forget all those years we spent together. Through every fiber of my being I can still remember how amazing you made me feel…how I loved the lingering euphoria of those sultry summer nights and breathless winter mornings. When all of life’s complications swirled uncontrollably around me I knew that I could run to you and that, if only for a few hours, how you could make the whole world melt away. You gave me peace and confidence. With you I was strong and everyone could see that. So I’m back. I am so sorry that I strayed and I know you didn’t ask me back but I know you want me back. So here I am~ 

So then why, after all this personal and physical success, did I finally decide to quit the gym? Because I realized I didn’t need it any more. Exercise, stretching and meditation have become so important to me, and such a fundamental part of my life, that I no longer needed to pony up dues to get me doing what I can do at home for free.

What helped me to realize that the gym was no longer for me was my exploration into all of the YouTube channels and websites where folks ably demonstrate how they are taking care of their minds and bodies in the comfort of their own homes. It got me thinking. I have a trainer for my bicycle. I have a yoga mat. I already meditate at home. I have enough space to use these things without being in anyone’s way. Why not do my own gym routine at home?

So I did it, I quit the gym and made a commitment to working out from home. And it’s been fabulous! I couldn’t be happier and I am consistently pushing myself harder at home than I did at the gym. I’m doing more and I’m doing it with greater vigor and consistency. I’ve even increased my efforts and broadened my practices. Why? Because my home is truly my sanctuary. It is where I have fought and overcome my greatest battles. It is also where I feel the greatest sense of peace and comfort. It is where I will continue to strive and meet success.

Gym, you were there when I needed you. It was a great run! You showed me how to take care of myself and get results. You taught me new things and showed me where I can improve on the old. You were a great teacher but I have finally learned enough to go out on my own. Please understand that it’s not you, it’s me. And I couldn’t be happier.


Photo by GMB Monkey on Unsplash

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