Own Your Heart

Own Your Heart

It’s better to feel lonely moving into your truth than to be surrounded by the voices that keep you down.

Actually, let’s be honest here, you are never alone.

You know this.

It is only in the harsh reality of letting go of those who were never there for you that scares you.

Those who truly love and support you won’t disappear.

It is often hard to see this, but it is true.

You are being beat up and held back by people that don’t want you to succeed because they live in their own fear and pain.

You think they love you, but they can’t because they cannot get beyond their own disappointments and traumas.

Love is a two-way street.

If someone cannot be happy for you when you are thriving, then they don’t really love you.

Their lives and karmic realities are not your path.

The inhibitions of others are not your pain to manage.

Leave the fear, negativity, abuse, and the anchors behind.

You are loved by those who matter.

Fear not.

Leap into the unknown to find your true power.


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