Love Is Not A Guessing Game

Love Is Not A Guessing Game

If you have any doubt that you are truly loved the answer is, No you are not.

You will never question true love.

Love is respectful and kind.

Love is easy.

Love is known.

You feel it.

Love is contentment.

Love is joyous gratitude.

Love is peace.

Love is safe.

Love is not passion.

Love is not intense or needy.

Love is not something that you have to negotiate or justify.

Love is not guilt or shame.

Love is not something you have to question.

Love is not a guessing game.

Many people pretend to love others, for their own advantage.

Others simply are not equipped to love.

So many hurt souls are roaming this planet.

Let them go and wish them well on their healing journey.

You are not responsible for their emotions.

You are not responsible for their pain.

You do not deserve their reactions.

Their trauma is not your drama.

Trust your gut.

Be careful out there.

Shield yourselves from those who only want to take what you have to offer.

Love yourself first, the rest will fall into place.

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