I Can’t Put Off Writing This Post Any Longer – A Post About Procrastination

Procrastination isn’t just about dragging your feet on writing Thank You cards, doing housekeeping, or writing work reports. It isn’t just about a simple lack of effort or drive. Procrastination is actually much bigger and more powerful force that most of us realize. Fundamentally, procrastination is about resistance. It’s a …

Your Life’s Purpose Summed Up

The notion of finding “purpose” and pursuing your “life’s purpose” is a common topic in modern culture. I suspect that most of us haven’t the slightest clue what exactly that purpose might be and that uncertainty can bring up anxious and unsettled feelings. I’ve struggled to identify my own higher purpose and have never “known” what it might be.

Then I heard it this morning, the perfect summary of our purpose in life. Yes, a simple statement that applies to all of us and that each of us can immediately act upon.

“Your purpose is to enjoy your life, right here and right now.” – Rasa Lukosiute

Now get out there and live your life’s purpose to the fullest!


Photo by Andrew Pons on Unsplash