The Path to Healing is Right in Front of You

The Path to Healing is Right in Front of You

I healed myself from the “incurable”.

For brief moments in my life I struggled with and overcame what doctors couldn’t cure.

I completely healed from Crohn’s Disease and Severe Psoriasis.

These issues are now just memories but are part of the fabric of who I am and what I know to be true.

You too can heal yourself.

In fact, it’s actually easier than you think, but it takes one major commitment.

You need to believe that you can heal and that you will be well again.

There must be zero doubt.


I am sharing this with you because people are often asking me for the blueprint of how I healed so that they can heal themselves.

I always let people know that the immediate discomfort of their ailment is only a crisis moment in which the body is calling attention to the need to heal not just the body, but also the soul.

Chronic illnesses and diseases are almost always connected with unhappiness and stress.

You are not broken, your genes are not bad, you are not somehow a new and incurable classification in medical study.

You are human, and there’s a good chance you are experiencing unhappiness or stress or both. What you have is not a disease, it’s a dis-ease.

The first thing I talk about is the most important step in healing – to truly believe that it is possible. That healing begins in the soul.

I am often met with impatient eye rolls and reluctance.

Everyone wants a magic pill but nobody wants to believe that the magic pill is themselves.

Here’s they key: No matter how much you think to want to heal, if you tell yourself that all this inner work is just bullshit and nonsense, then that is exactly what you’ll get.

Your vibrational frequency is not about what you want. It’s about what you believe.

Quantum theory has finally made friends with medicine and there are unlimited studies that support that your attitude makes a difference in how you heal.

The natural human state is to be healthy, and happy.

If you tell yourself that you are hopelessly unwell then you will be. Because you are wishing it upon yourself.

Look no further than into your own soul.

Why are you so afraid to believe in yourself?


Are you willing to give this healing business a try? Sincerely?

Do you believe that you can have the life you long for?

If you answered Yes! then this is the first step on the path to healing:

You have to take the time to sit in your body and intentionally apply the feelings of wellness and healing to every part of your body and especially the parts that hurt – no matter how uncomfortable you may be in the moment.

Make time to sit or lay comfortably and take a few long deep breaths. Now visualize and feel your body in a complete state of wellness. Take all the time you need.

Apply the practice of measured breathing (breathe out for one count longer than you breathe in) while you feel every part of your body systematically and intentionally and fill each space with gratitude for healing.

Do this every day, even if just for a few minutes.

You will feel and see good results.

The next steps are to take actions to clear up what is bringing you down or holding you back emotionally and also to eliminate as much sugar and processed food from your diet as possible.

You are more powerful than anyone has told you.

I believe in you.

You can and will heal, but not until you believe you will.

Take that first step and you’ll know you’re on the right path.

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