If You Want To See Clearly, Close Your Eyes

If You Want To See Clearly, Close Your Eyes

My mom once said, “We don’t see with our eyes.”

That statement struck me so deeply.

It’s true.

Yes, our eyes see, but we focus through the lense of emotion.

We see what we don’t have.

We see with our fears.

And if we let ourselves go too far, we only see the worst.

Our eyes are fooling us.

But our soul never does.

Your soul always has perfect vision.

Here’s a life hack.

Play some music that reflects a time or moment when you felt great inspiration.

Something that really gets you going.

Close your eyes.

Feel the greatness of self you still have within you.

Now hold that feeling.

That’s your soul vision.

Dismiss the expectations you had for yourself when you first felt this empowerment.

You have not missed out, failed, or lost at anything.

You have changed.

You have suffered.

And you have survived.

Yet your soul vision of true contentment is still there.

You still want what you have always wanted.

Life is a work in progress, there is no end until it’s over.

Now is the time to recover that spirit within you.

Lift back up to that depth of true self you hold in your soul.

Feel the music light you up.

Soul vision is a feeling, not an outcome.

Focus on what you know is the true you deep in your heart.

That empowered part of you still exists.

It’s what is keeping you going even when don’t feel like trying anymore.

Pursue your empowered self in your current context.

Ignore what what your eyes see.

Ignore what other people think or say.

Ignore the fears that are holding you back.

See your life potential through your soul.

Honor your journey by staying true to you.

Stay focused on the feeling and stop trying to control outcomes.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

What you want in your soul vision may come through in ways you have no way to know or anticipate – no way to ‘see’.

Look inside and not outside of yourself.

Close your eyes.

Listen to that music.

Light the fire inside you.

And let go.

Cover pic by https://unsplash.com/@zulmaury

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