This Is Only A Test

This Is Only A Test

You have made so much progress on your journey of healing.

You have put yourself up against all the things that have troubled you.

You have worked on your issues.

And you have overcome your past.

Right on!

You go!

You have grown by leaps and bounds.

You have honored yourself on your path.

You have healed or are still healing.

No matter, it’s all good.

Nobody heals overnight.

I am still on my path, so walk this talk with me.

You have worked to hard to get on the right path.

Because of your sacrifices and commitment to healing and growth you are finally thriving in your new world of healthy relationships and boundaries.

You are happy!

So why is it that all these people and situations from your past are coming back?

Because you are being tested.

That which no longer serves you wants to poke at your vulnerabilities.

Are you still available?

Do you want the same crap from your past?

The answer better be a solid No.

Are you still walking with me?

I know you are feeling this.

You know what to do.

You already have moved on but they still want to get at you.

They are trauma vampires.

They want your energy, they want your power, they want your ability to live happy and love life.

I see them too.

Test yourself right now.

Would you ever want to go back to those empty feelings and abuse?

Be your own hero and say NO to the hurts of your past coming back to test you.

You are DONE!

You have passed the test.

Let this test of your fortitude reassure you that you are on the right path with your life.

Rock on!

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