Soul Work Burnout

Soul Work Burnout

Recently, I got really burned out on soul work.

I caught myself becoming irritated and impatient during a meditation workshop, so I closed the internet browser and gave myself a time out.

I allowed myself to sit there and feel all the thoughts and emotions that had come over me.

I didn’t beat myself up or analyze any of it.

I just sat and observed my inner self have a moment.

All of us want to be out best selves and so many of us are actively doing the ‘work’.

This work is no joke.

It is truly challenging to debug our mind, body, and soul of all the unfortunate programming, traumas, and negative behaviors we accumulated through life.

The work I have done so far has improved my life tremendously.

I can honestly say I am content with my life in progress.

But in that recent moment I felt the perverse frustration of knowing that inner peace is truly a lifelong process.

The endlessness of it all, especially in these uncertain times, left me feeling defeated.

I needed to feel that moment in its entirety and not force myself into a positive perspective.

There is real value in acknowledging your experiences.

It’s okay to feel uncertain and frustrated.

It’s okay to not be ‘perfect’, ‘blissed out’ or ‘at peace’ in every waking moment.

It’s okay to feel challenged, because change and growth aren’t easy.

It’s okay to be human.

Self acceptance requires that we accept all parts of ourselves.

Especially the parts that need a hug.

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