Why Does My Life Suck?

Take a deep slow breath, and say this to yourself: I am going to be okay. Catch your breath and let yourself settle in to your own body. Take another deep breath. I know that whatever you’re going through right now probably feels like hell. You’re sick, you’re tired, you’re …

You Can Do It!

Whatever negativity you may be experiencing in life, your situation can change. Especially if you’re struggling with your health. Just take the first step, no matter how small. Even your thoughts can create the momentum you need for the results you seek. Hang in there and trust yourself.

If Only…

If only I had taken care of myself, if only I had stopped eating poorly, if only I had exercised…if only. If only I had better relationships, if only I had loved more, if only I had been a better person, if only I had loved myself more. If only…..if …