Inconsolably Grateful

I am sobbing inconsolably in this moment. Not because I’m unhappy, rather because I am overwhelmed with happiness. By putting myself out into the universe as someone who truly desires love and connection with my human tribe, I have been gifted with so many amazing and unexpected people coming forward. …

Just Say No

Learning how to say No to unhealthy people or situations is learning to say Yes to good health.

It is a well-known fact that our bodies release stress hormones when we feel fear, sadness, disgust or anger.

Our bodies are not designed to withstand a prolonged onslaught of these hormones.

Stress affects everything including our our brains, immune functions, even bone density.

Most commonly, prolonged stress results in increased weight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease.

Stress creates disease.

Stress is a killer.

It may be hard to do, but saying No to stressful people or situations will truly save your life.

Just say No.

Choose Love

I am in the midst of a huge personal crisis. This one is not about a struggle with my physical health. This is heartbreak. This has been one of the most challenging times of my life from the perspective of my emotional well-being. It has been an incredible challenge to …


It is truly unbecoming to be unhappy and unhealthy. If you want to be happy and healthy you will probably have to un-be some aspects of your current self. Who are you excited to un-be? Acknowledge those parts of you and gently let them go. Un-becoming parts of your old …