Crisis = Opportunity

When diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in 2004, I felt like my life was over. I felt like that for about 30 minutes, maybe it was less. The diagnosis caught me off-guard, and that’s what was shocked me into immediate despair. Why me? And how did it happen? I sobbed, deeply. …

Soul Work Burnout

Recently, I got really burned out on soul work. I caught myself becoming irritated and impatient during a meditation workshop, so I closed the internet browser and gave myself a time out. I allowed myself to sit there and feel all the thoughts and emotions that had come over me. …

Let Your Soul Shine

What makes you happy?

What gets you excited about life?

What gives you hope?

What makes your heart sing?

Focus on that for a while.

Inconsolably Grateful

I am sobbing inconsolably in this moment. Not because I’m unhappy, rather because I am overwhelmed with happiness. By putting myself out into the universe as someone who truly desires love and connection with my human tribe, I have been gifted with so many amazing and unexpected people coming forward. …