You Did It!

Boy was it a year! You lost your life as you knew it. You lost personal contact with friends and family. You lost your communities. You lost the ability to move about your world freely. You lost hope. You lost inspiration. You lost faith. You may have even lost your …

You’ve Got This!

You are coming out of a difficult time like a phoenix rising from the flames. Life has handed you lessons that you never wanted to learn, but that you mastered despite your fears. You are no longer the you that you just left behind. There is something new and exciting …

Lazy Eyes Go Blind

Walking in my neighborhood this morning I saw some graffiti that stopped me in my tracks. The depth and truth of the simple statement struck me deeply. What are we refusing to see in our own lives? What are we refusing to see in the world? What are we too …

Are you OK?

As we slide out of summer activities and into fall, now is the perfect time to check in with ourselves. Are you ok? At home? With work? With friends? With family? With your intimate partner(s)? If not, it’s okay to prioritize your own health, happiness, and needs.

Who Are You Serving?

Feel the expansion in your heart when you know that all you have to give is your presence. Nothing else should ever be demanded of you. When it is, you know it’s time to say No. Seriously, Just say No! Everyone is here to heal themselves. You included. Saying No …