I forgive you…

I forgive you for being afraid. I forgive you for not standing up for yourself. I forgive you for not fighting back. I forgive you for folding under pressure. I forgive you for allowing others to stop you from your dreams. I forgive you for letting yourself believe that you …

Destination Gratitude

Summer of 1997, I lived in Waikiki Beach working as an environmental contractor for the US Air Force. The flight path to Honolulu’s airport ran above the beach. I would sit and contemplate those incredible winged metal tubes cruising through the sky. People going home. People leaving home. Some had …

Out With The Old

You have them. I have them. We all have them. <<Coping Mechanisms>> Which ones are you still holding on to after the pain or trauma has gone? Which ones are no longer serving you? Which ones keep you in the habit of maintaining destructive thoughts or behaviors? What do you …

Time To Say Goodbye

This is it. This is the day to say goodbye. Bid farewell to anything or anyone no longer feeding your heart and soul. Toss with glee or just walk away in silence. You can’t go wrong. Let things go. Feel the pressure lift. Enjoy the freedom. Goodbye past. Hello future! …

Gaining by Letting Go

I woke up one morning, recently, and realized that there were many aspects of my life that I no longer cared about. While that may sound negative, the result was quite positive. It wasn’t so much a lack of caring, rather it was more of a realization that certain parts …

Nothing to Lose

It was grim. Life seemed dark. Disappointment lead to disinterest. Disinterest lead to despair. Hope was hard to find and even harder to hold on to. It felt like all was lost. In an unexpected flash of fate, everything changed in an instant. Inspiration and joy now fill my heart. …