Soul Work Burnout

Recently, I got really burned out on soul work. I caught myself becoming irritated and impatient during a meditation workshop, so I closed the internet browser and gave myself a time out. I allowed myself to sit there and feel all the thoughts and emotions that had come over me. …


There is a nest outside my front door. It was once a beautiful new creation. I indulged in watching the happy bird couple diligently building their future. Then the happy little chicks arrived. Sweet chirps as new lives began their journey. So much activity and wonder. Endless care and feeding …

Inconsolably Grateful

I am sobbing inconsolably in this moment. Not because I’m unhappy, rather because I am overwhelmed with happiness. By putting myself out into the universe as someone who truly desires love and connection with my human tribe, I have been gifted with so many amazing and unexpected people coming forward. …